As a car owner, you may not give much thought to the tyres on your car and their overall condition, at least not until one goes flat or even goes flying off your car for some reason. However, your car's tyres and their condition, including whether or not they're balanced, aligned, and rotated regularly, can be more important than you realize when it comes to the condition of your car. Car tyres are also very important to your overall safety when you're on the road. Note a few reasons why your car's tyres may be more important than you realize and then discuss their condition with a mechanic as needed.

Condition of tie rods

The tie rods are long rods that connect the tyres to the steering column; the steering column goes from the front to the back of your car, and the tie rods go from left to right. If a tie rod should break, your tyre is no longer connected to the steering column and you cannot control the car. If your tyres are out of alignment or not balanced properly, this puts undue pressure on those tie rods. They can then get bent so that they're more likely to break. If they're already bent or rusted, the condition of your tyres can mean even more risk that they will simply break. While having tie rods in good condition is important, you don't want to overlook how your tyres affect them and their strength and longevity.


Your car's suspension system is made of springs or other pieces that absorb shock and keep your car cushioned over every bump and dip in the road. However, if your car's tyres are not balanced and aligned, this can mean added pressure on one shock or spring, as your car might pull in one direction. In turn, that strut, shock absorber, or spring might be more prone to breaking when you hit a large bump. 


Your car's tyres should each hit the road evenly; when one is worn down more than the others, this tyre will drag or pull the car in that direction. You may not realize that you're struggling with steering when this happens, but you might not be able to control your car as you should. This can also mean having your car slide in that direction when you hit the brakes. In turn, you may be at increased risk for a collision when driving.  
